Stars circling around polaris

This is near Calgary Alberta Canada. This is another long time exposure and I centered the camera around polaris "the north star". When you do this, it will show the rotation of the earth as they all circle around polaris. If you have your camera on polaris, it will make a dot in the center and all stars will circle around it. I always use the "B" bulb setting on my camera to take these types of pictures. It gives me the option to hold open my shutter. The camera would move around and the stars would trail but be fuzzy if I just held it with my hand for 15-40 mins! Some of my exposures can last from 1 hour up to 6 hours... So I use a shutter release that holds it open for me.

Check out these other pictures of polaris with the moon!

I used Kodak 100 ISO with F8 on a 50mm lens and a 40 minute exposure.

These images are copyright Kelly Sigethy. If you need pictures or want to use them, feel free to contact me.